Love bird salt and pepper seasoning cans

Номер модели: HSG00214

Ценовые условия: ФОБ или EXW
Цена: Вести переговоры| Получить последнюю цену
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Условия оплаты: аккредитив, Д/А, Д/П, Т/Т, Western Union, MoneyGram, ПайПал
Происхождение продукта: Шэньчжэнь, Китай
Бренд: OEM / ОДМ

Размер коробки: 10.3x4.8x4.8 cm
Bird size: 5.5x4.5x3.5 cm
Материал: Керамика
Масса: 70г
Упаковка: Подарок Коробка


Favor wedding preparation has a long tradition, from Elizabethan England to Italy Romantic period, as well as the new trend of American style, both inherited this tradition. Is to give invited guests a thank you, and good luck passing expression, the back-off ceremony are generally more stylish household items, most of which have to thank cards and attractive packaging.

Flying along your heart, everyone wants to know each other's feelings! It - this little love bird salt and pepper seasoning cans, simple and sweet to say your big wedding day, as these two birdies to bring guests to your favorite flavor of life, this unimaginable back off ceremony, guests will enjoy a variety of delicious time in the future, you can still conjures up romantic wedding!


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