Custom non-woven bags of various sizes

מספר דגם: HSG00327

תנאי מחיר: FOB או EXW
מחיר: לָשֵׂאת וְלָתֵת| קבל מחיר אחרון
צ'אט חי:| צ'אט חי
תנאי תשלום: L/C, ד/א, D/P, T/T, ווסטרן יוניון, גרם של כסף, Paypal
מקור המוצר: שנזן, חרסינה
מותג: OEM / ODM

שֵׁםclothing non-woven bag
Function and AdvantagesWriting, diary, students using
צֶבַעCMYK and Pantone color
הַדפָּסָהOffset, ציפוי UV, Water base varnish, Hot Foil stamping, embossing,(we accept any kinds of printing)
גודלAccording to customers' specific requirements. such as length* width* heigt in centimeters or inches
LaminationGloss or Matt lamination
יתרונותאיכות גבוהה, reasonable price and fast production
Terms of paymentT/T or Paypal or Western Union


hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 1 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 2 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 3 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 4 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 5 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 6 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 7 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 8 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 9 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 10 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 11 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 12 hotsalegift custom nonwoven bags data-lazy-sizes 13

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