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Zahlungsbedingungen: L/C, D/A, D/P, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram, Paypal
Produktherkunft: Shenzhen, China
Marke: OEM / ODM
Technische Spezifikationen:
USB2.0 high speed interface supports hot-swappable, Stromversorgung über USB-Bus (4.5V-5,5V)
Operating ambient temperature; -40 °C ~ + 70 °C; Lagertemperatur: -50 °C ~ + 80 °C
1: read and write speed, read 6M / S, write to 3M / S.
2: USB-Schnittstelle, no drive, Plug-and-Play, Hot-Swap-fähig.
3: Unterstützt USB-ZIP / HDD startup.
4: The ultra-slim shape, schönes Aussehen, noch kompaktere Mode.
5: Ultrastabile Technologie, in line with the USB 2.0 Standard.
6: Super small mini styling, WIN98 oder höher ohne Treiber.
7: earthquake proof, anti-electromagnetic wave.
* Bootable system directly boot for BIOS supports USB boot system, can replace the floppy drive.
* Plug-and-Play, USB high-speed interface, no power, einfach zu bedienen.
* Can withstand 3 m free fall following the collision, high temperature resistance, leicht zu tragen, no matter how harsh the external environment to ensure that data peace of mind.
* Metal buckles, lightweight and convenient, WIN98 oder höher ohne Treiber, using Samsung / Modern original A-class chip, can be repeatedly erased one million
Times or more, the storage life of 10 Jahre.
* Compatible with PC, notebook, Apfel, MAC, server.
* OS win98 / MICH / 2000 / XP, Mac OS 9.X / Linux2.4
Device and removal instructions:
Easy to put on
Firmly hold the sides SlipON coat, gently slide the USB-Flash-Speicher. Repeat the same procedure on the cap. On your USB flash transformed,
Become part of your lifestyle. Only for PenDrive Mini (fans
You series) and Nano (mini-series) USB-Flash-Speicher.
Demolition CAUTION: When removing SlipON, only firmly hold the sides and gently pull