Bluetooth touch keyboard With Touch Pad For Android /Windows/MAC/iPad

رقم الموديل: HSG00736

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ماركة: تصنيع المعدات الأصلية / أوديإم

Bluetooth touch keyboard With Touch Pad For Android /Windows/MAC/iPad
رقم الصنف.: HSG00736
Keyboard Features :
1. Ultra Slim ABS USB wired keyboard for tablet PC, Keyboard can be use with leather cover case. Compatible with Android, اى باد & شبابيك 9 ~ 10.1 tablet PC.
2. Universal fit Keyboard compatible with Apple iPad, but do not support touch pad function for iPad.
3. Optional folding leather Case can be use as keyboard cover and also as stand support different size Tablet PC
4. بلاستيك لوحة مفاتيح بلوتوث build in magnet to adhere to the leather case, keyboard is detachable to adjust the angle.
5. Touchpad Bluetooth Keyboard Portfolio Case, 7 ~ 8 بوصة & 9 ~ 10 inch universal compatible keyboard optional
6. USB wired keyboard compatible with Windows /Android Tablet PC,Laptop and Desktop computer
7. Keyboard color available: أسود / أبيض
Keyboard Specifications:
Wired Port:USB مصغردرجة حرارة التشغيل: -10 - +55درجة مئوية
Keyboard layout:English QWERTYKeying force:3 million strokes
Touchpad solution:Yeelung touchpad moduleKeying life:3 million strokes
Support system:Android /Windows Color availableأسود / أبيض
Keyboard power supply:كابل مايكرو يو اس بيKeyboard warranty:3 سنين



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