How to buy from

How do I buy products from is a leading online procurement platform servicing global buyer.

If you want to buy products on Please refer to the following steps.
Searching for the products you need is simple:

1. Go to the homepage or open any pages
2. Enter keywords of the product you wants, in the search bar below


3. Click Search or press the enter button

After you find the products you are interested in, You can send a price inquiry from the price Enquiry form.
Price Enquiry


For providing you the best price, please provide your detailed requirements.
Для вашего заказа нам необходимо знать следующую информацию:
* Информация о доставке - Название компании, адрес улицы, номер телефона, Номер факса, аэропорт назначения или морской порт, метод транспортировки ( курьером, по воздуху или морским контейнером)
* Информация о продукте - номера моделей, количество, цена за единицу товара
* Требуется время доставки
* Оплата фрахта ( самовывозом или предоплатой )
* Forwarder's contact details, if any. ( в Китае или Гонконге )

To increase your chances of finding suitable products, you can also send buying requests directly to our businesses email: [email protected]. Buying Requests helps us understand your requirements and provide you with the best prices.
If you are purchasing in small quantities, please send us the products you need, we'll check our warehouse to find whether we have them in store.


4. Negotiate prices and transportation

We will respond to you via email.
If you disagree with the prices, please reply by e-mail or telephone


5. Оплата

Наш обычный способ оплаты — банковский перевод. ( Т/Т ),
Мы также принимаем:
1). Оплата Вестерн Юнион, (специально для срочного и критического заказа)
2). Оплата аккредитива за оптовый заказ, (это будет зависеть от статуса заказа)
3). Все основные платежи по кредитной карте, Paypal payment(специально для VIP-клиентов, new clients can be dependent on the order status)


6. Samples and production

If you want to have a look of the final products, we can produce samples to you first.

The final production will be arranged according to your requirements.


7. Transportation and delivery

The delivery will be processed when the final production is finished. (Referring to e-mail communication)


8. Гарантия & After Sales Service

All of our products will provide quality assurance and after-sales service.

For more, please visit our Часто задаваемые вопросы