Bluetooth with remote control (configuration: caixa, manual, carregador, controle remoto) Parâmetros do produto:
Peso do Produto: sobre 13 kg
Tamanho do produto: 66cm * 27cm * 27cm
Tire Size: 10 polegadas
Motor power: 350 W Voltage: 36V
Carton Gross Weight: 15KG
Maximum load: 150KG
Tamanho da caixa: 72cm * 32cm * 36cm
Equipped with: a dedicated charger, manual, warranty card
O tempo de carga: 60 minutos (usar 2 horas)
Running time: 25 km
- Move according to your body's gravity
- To move forward or backward , the rider just leans slightly forward or backward.
To turn left or right, the rider simply moves the foot on left or right pedal.
Stand straightly, you will stop moving. - You get the sense of power and speed, yet you also feel a sense of safety and absolute control, it all feels natural, safe and instinctive.
- It is safe for beginner and safe,just if you feel you are losing control of speed, etc... all you do is jump out of the self- balance and it stops. Great item as a presente