1. شكل: Cute Shape, nice and trendy.
2. لون: Any color,at your option.
3. سعة: Full and true capacity,from 1GB-32GB
4. شهادة: CE FCC RoHS
5. Operate: Any modern operating systems
6. Hot Point: Easy to carry.Best for Business Promotion.
7. مادة: معدن
1) Super Speed USB has a 5 Gbps signaling rate offering 10x performance increase over Hi-Speed USB 2.0;
2) Super Speed USB is a Sync-N-Go technology that minimizes user wait-time;
3) Super Speed USB will provide Optimized Power Efficiency. No device polling and lower active and idle power requirements;
4) Super Speed USB is backwards compatible with USB 2.0. Devices interoperate with USB 2.0 platforms. Hosts support USB 2.0 legacy devices.
Main Feature:
1. Brand New chipset;
2. USB 3.0 واجهه المستخدم, متوافق مع يو اس بي 1.1 & 2.0;
3. 5 times faster than High-speed USB 2.0, 2 channel;
4. سعة: 4GB-64GB;
5. LED indicate the connection, read and write;
6. Custom VID/PID serial number;
7. 1.2V low power consumption, built-in 1.2V to 3.3V LDO regulator;
8. ECC error correction ability to modify: 6/24/27 أجزاء;
9. يدعم 30 MHZ crystal.
1. Read/Write Speed: 17/5 ميغابايت/ثانية
2. سامسونج,Toshiba grade A chip.
3. التوصيل والتشغيل
4. Encryption at your option.
5. Any modern system
6. Webkey installation.
LOGO Options:
1. Solid Color Print: For one color LOGO
2. النقش بالليزر: Laser Engrave your LOGO on USB
3. Process Color Print: For multi color LOGO
Customize Service:
1. تصميم:Customized design are always welcomed.Create Your Own U Disk
2. لون:Any color at buyer's option
3. التعبئة:Customized packing with all customer's LOGO